Exploring our world through our curriculum


This week we have been exploring the world through our topic - It's a wonderful world. They used positional language in Forest School re-enacting the bear hunt and used words such as over, under, behind, in front of and next to. They also explored what the equator was and how countries that were closer to the equator where hotter than those far away.


Rowan class made pinch pots in art. They handled the clay with great care and used a variety of tools to pattern the pots.

Rowan class have also been practicing their ukulele skills for the past few weeks. Every Thursday the Hampshire music service provide the children with some expert tuition. They have been thriving on this opportunity. Their teacher taught them a technique today where they had to switch chords during the song. She said that she rarely does this with year 2 classes this early in the year, so we were both amazed at their skill! They are practicing for the Listen 2 Me concert on the 7th December at 9.15 in the hall. If you can make it, please come along, and support them and enjoy an amazing performance. 


In PE this week, children in Birch Class have been using their gymnastic skills to create a short routine including mirroring. They have been working hard to ensure that they show extended hands and pointed toes too!


Year 4 have been looking at the skills that you need to solve problems in maths as well as all of the jottings and visual representations that you might need in order to help you to solve a problem. 


In art, Aspen class are learning how Taoties were created during the Shang Dynasty. First, we explored the process of bronze casting, and how that has developed throughout time.  To practise casting, we have been using a different method each week, so we can reflect on the processes, difficulties and successes. Last week, we used silicone moulds with a skin-safe casting plaster called Alginate. 

This week, we used clay to create our own moulds. With plastic animals, Lego and 2d shapes, we pressed images into the clay and poured the Alginate into the clay. Once they are dry, we are going to carefully remove them from the clay and paint them.

Year 6

In year 6, the children have been measuring their heart rates using different techniques in science, which led to their key investigation ‘Do children with lower resting heart rates, have faster 100m sprint times?’ The children enjoyed ‘running’ their experiment and drew scatter graphs and made conclusions from their results.

Marvellous Maths and Science


In Y1 the children have been learning the names of the seven continents and exploring where in the world they sit. The children have explored google earth as well as making the continents out of playdough and labelling them. In Maths YR have been focussed on circles and triangles and have been using great mathematical vocabulary to explain the difference.


Rowan class have been working so hard in their addition and subtraction maths journey these past few weeks. We have been looking at adding two, 2 digit numbers together where we might need to do an exchange. They have been using the base 10 cubes, place value charts, and their own whiteboard jottings to figure out these tricky questions. Amazing work! 


In Birch Class, we have been investigating to see if all seven year olds have the same sized skeleton. We carried out our data collection, collated the results and used this information to answer and explain our question.


In Sycamore Class, we have been focusing on using jottings rather than doing the calculations in our head. Although it can be impressive to solve something mentally, generally using jottings (such as pictures, bar models, noting down multiples, etc.) is a helpful technique so that you don't need to hold as much information in your head. 


Aspen class were exploring the world of engineering this week when they learnt how pneumatics used compressed air to create motion. They were tasked with using pneumatics to make a 'talking box'

In art, we were learning how Taoties were created during the Shang Dynasty. First, we explored the process of bronze casting, and how that has developed throughout time.  To practise casting, we are going to be using a different method each week, so we can reflect on the processes, difficulties and successes. This week, we used silicone moulds with a skin-safe casting plaster called Alginate. 

Most of us were able to see a casted shape, however, we also found that the plaster and water ratio wasn't always consistent so some shapes did not set.

Year 6

This week the children have been learning about a variety of ceremonial dance in PE, they then practised the Haka in groups, before performing their compositions in front of the rest of the year 6 cohort. 


In R2L this week, we have considered whether it is ok to make a mistake. We decided that EVERYONE makes a mistake sometimes, but the important thing is to learn from our mistakes so that we know how to be successful next time.

We all had to learn patience, kindness and resilience this week as we created a variety of images to commemorate Remembrance Day. You may have seen our Poppy sun catchers on our window! The week ended with Poppy Jam tarts which Mandy kindly cooked for us in her kitchen. Thank you Mandy!

Guinea Pigs

Our Enriching Curriculum


This week the children have been exploring different materials and have used the story of the three little pigs to support this. They have also been exploring self portraits and have used mirrors to try and accurately draw their faces.


We are close to concluding our unit on Animals including Humans in science. This week, we have been learning about animals with different types of skeletons. We examined examples of creatures found in the school grounds with different skeleton types. 


This week Sycamore Class have been reading 'The Saga of Erik the Viking' by Terry Jones. 

We created a Conscience Alley to help Erik to decide whether or not to go on his next quest. We also wrote some brilliant pieces of writing about what qualities you need in order to become a hero in a story. 


To kick off our new Science learning,  we created a model of the Solar System to show its scale, movement and features. With the model, we were able to understand the movements of the planets in our Solar System, including planet Earth in relation to the sun and the moon.

Year 6

Year 6 have applied their knowledge of Tints, Tone and Shade to paint these beautiful  landscapes.


Enrichment afternoon at Stanmore school with choir rehearsals, Spanish club and aiming for check mate in chess club. Thanks to Winchester College and Pilgrims school for their support

Final week fun


Maple class read a book about disgusting sandwiches and then made their own DISGUSTING sandwiches with slime cream, slugs and mud for Onion's birthday tea!


Sycamore Class have written explanation texts on 'How to care for a...'

We studied the book 'How to care for a dragon' and then chose a different mythical creature, concentrating on grooming, feeding and habitats. They have written really high quality pieces of writing and have published them too. Don't they look amazing? 


This week in Science, we have been exploring how levers and pulleys give us a mechanical advantage when lifting loads.  We used a glue stick as a fulcrum, along with a ruler as a lever arm to investigate how when  the distance between the fulcrum and the effort increases, the effort needed to lift a load decreases.

Moving on to pulleys: we built our own with plastic bottles, card, string and a wooden skewer. We learnt that as the number of wheels, and the number of pieces of rope supporting the pulleys, increases, the effort needed to lift an object decreases, but the distance the rope has to be pulled increases.

Year 6

Year 6 have been learning all about the components and their functions in blood. To consolidate their knowledge , they produced some amazing posters.

A busy week at Stanmore Primary School

Maple Class

A tall beanstalk and giant footprints appeared in Maple class this week. It is rumoured that Jack has stolen a bag of gold and the giant is very angry. The children made wanted posters to try and catch Jack and offered some great rewards. maple class have also been busy looking at maps and how places change over time.


Rowan class have been learning about Apollo 13 and the woman who saved the mission, Katherine Johnson. They have written diary entries from her perspective, writing about how they felt when they found out about the explosion and what they had to do to save the day! What an amazing bunch of writers they are! 


In science this week, children in Birch Class have been learning about the bones in the human body. They labelled their own bones, which was great fun, and explored the functions of the skeleton. We wanted to find out if human and animal skeletons have any similarities too, and what would happen if you didn't have a skeleton. 


In Year 4 we have been rehearsing our rhythmic patterns in music. We have had to improve our listening skills, as well as being able to keep in time with a partner. 


This week in maths, we have been exploring what multiples and factors are. By building arrays, we could identify the factor pairs for varying multiples. Quickly, we noticed that there were numbers that only had two factors ( prime numbers)- we then investigated how many of these multiples we could find. 

Year 6

Year 6 turned into  phlebotomists this week when they investigated the components of blood by making their own in the classroom!

They also drew some amazing skylines of London prior to their visit to the British museum. Whilst at the Museum the children sketched some Benin bronzes and learnt about all the different symbolism of the pictures.

Marvellous maths and more


Our fabulous school council SPEAK met this week and discussed what was going well this term. The children reported that playtimes were fabulous due to the zoned areas and they really appreciated the support of the Y6 playtime leaders.

Year 3 are studying friendship in PHSE and used a wool circle to discuss what the qualities a strong friendship were to them


Maple class have been learning all about the late Queen's coronation and comparing it to the King's. We looked at the differences and similarities and made our own crowns and sceptres. Yr1 have been exploring the part part whole model and YR have been matching a variety of items, such as leaves, buttons, socks and thimbles.


Rowan class have been studying famous still life artists this week. We set up a gallery in the classroom and the children visited the 'art gallery'. We discussed what we liked and didn't like about certain pieces of art and then chose our favourite piece to recreate in a medium of our choice. 


Children in Birch Class have been learning to add tens across a hundred boundary in maths, which involves an exchange of ten 10s for a hundred. So that the children fully understand, they have been using the Base 10 equipment to show how the exchanges are made. This is crucial for their understanding of addition (and subtraction) as they continue on their maths learning journey through the school. 


Outdoor learning

This half term we have enjoyed lots of activities outside. Building dens, swings and bows and arrows in Forest School. Improving our dribbling and passing skills to make us like England's Lions and Lionesses. As well as taking part in our Longitudinal study about making observations about how the school grounds change over the year. 


In History, we have been putting our Shang Dynasty knowledge to use. This week, we were looking at how the Shang excelled in bronze handicraft and produced richly detailed objects. Bronze was a symbol of power and commanding respect. With our knowledge, we created knowledge organisers to display our understanding. 


Oak Class have been becoming their own archaeologists ahead of our trip next week examining the Kingdom of Benin. We have looked at different plaques from the Kingdom of Benin what stories they tell us. 

Our Wonderful Week

Maple Class

In Maple class the children have been exploring the idea of long ago, using vocabulary such as then, later and years ago. Grandad Pony sent a treasure chest into school full of items from the Victorian years, including a handmade rug, an old pocket watch and even a chamber pot! We also spent time looking at old party games and writing rules so we can play them at Onion's birthday. 


Rowan class have been diving into their history topic and have been looking at the lives and impact of significant explorers. We have looked at some of the early explorers and will be looking at Neil Armstrong next week! 


In science,  Birch Class has been learning to predict using prior knowledge. Drawing on our work last week on the nutrients required for a balanced diet, the children predicted which foods were the fattiest from a group of 8, and ordered them from those with the most fat to those with the least. There were some surprises in the outcomes as several children predicted that vegetable crisps would be lower in fat, but they were the highest! 


This week in Sycamore Class we have been learning to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000. We have used number lines to help. 


This week, we have been working on counter balances in gymnastics.  To ensure we kept ourselves safe, coordination and communication with our partners were key. We had to choose three balances, and create a sequence with a movement inbetween.

Winchester College

Winchester College supported pupils at Stanmore School with enrichment clubs on Wednesday afternoon, Children across both key stages have the opportunity to learn Spanish and finesse their skills at chess.

Welcome home year 6


Rowan have been adventurous with their art this week. We tried printmaking using clay. We each had a ball of clay which the children imprinted a pattern into. They then rolled paint onto the clay and pressed it down onto the paper to create some lovely patterns! 


Our focus in art this week has been learning about mixing tertiary colours. The children used watercolours to create a new palette, which they will be working on later in the unit to create work with complementary and analogous colours. 


This week Sycamore Class have been learning about how the Geography of Britain helped or hindered potential invaders. 

One the one hand, this is a hard country to invade because it is an island. But on the other hand, there are lots of quiet coves that invaders, such as the Vikings, could use to sneak up on others!


This week in Aspen, we have been getting musical! Using the piece of music called  “A Bao A Qu”, which is featured in the BBC Ten Pieces, we created our own class beast.  With our class beast, we used a range of untuned percussion instruments to play sounds that could link to how our beast moves. 

Year 6

Year 6 have had a fantastic weeks residential and has shown all the keys to success, in particular resilience. We are very proud of them all and have sent them home happy but tired!