Our Wonderful Week

Maple Class

In Maple class the children have been exploring the idea of long ago, using vocabulary such as then, later and years ago. Grandad Pony sent a treasure chest into school full of items from the Victorian years, including a handmade rug, an old pocket watch and even a chamber pot! We also spent time looking at old party games and writing rules so we can play them at Onion's birthday. 


Rowan class have been diving into their history topic and have been looking at the lives and impact of significant explorers. We have looked at some of the early explorers and will be looking at Neil Armstrong next week! 


In science,  Birch Class has been learning to predict using prior knowledge. Drawing on our work last week on the nutrients required for a balanced diet, the children predicted which foods were the fattiest from a group of 8, and ordered them from those with the most fat to those with the least. There were some surprises in the outcomes as several children predicted that vegetable crisps would be lower in fat, but they were the highest! 


This week in Sycamore Class we have been learning to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000. We have used number lines to help. 


This week, we have been working on counter balances in gymnastics.  To ensure we kept ourselves safe, coordination and communication with our partners were key. We had to choose three balances, and create a sequence with a movement inbetween.

Winchester College

Winchester College supported pupils at Stanmore School with enrichment clubs on Wednesday afternoon, Children across both key stages have the opportunity to learn Spanish and finesse their skills at chess.