A busy week at Stanmore Primary School

Maple Class

A tall beanstalk and giant footprints appeared in Maple class this week. It is rumoured that Jack has stolen a bag of gold and the giant is very angry. The children made wanted posters to try and catch Jack and offered some great rewards. maple class have also been busy looking at maps and how places change over time.


Rowan class have been learning about Apollo 13 and the woman who saved the mission, Katherine Johnson. They have written diary entries from her perspective, writing about how they felt when they found out about the explosion and what they had to do to save the day! What an amazing bunch of writers they are! 


In science this week, children in Birch Class have been learning about the bones in the human body. They labelled their own bones, which was great fun, and explored the functions of the skeleton. We wanted to find out if human and animal skeletons have any similarities too, and what would happen if you didn't have a skeleton. 


In Year 4 we have been rehearsing our rhythmic patterns in music. We have had to improve our listening skills, as well as being able to keep in time with a partner. 


This week in maths, we have been exploring what multiples and factors are. By building arrays, we could identify the factor pairs for varying multiples. Quickly, we noticed that there were numbers that only had two factors ( prime numbers)- we then investigated how many of these multiples we could find. 

Year 6

Year 6 turned into  phlebotomists this week when they investigated the components of blood by making their own in the classroom!

They also drew some amazing skylines of London prior to their visit to the British museum. Whilst at the Museum the children sketched some Benin bronzes and learnt about all the different symbolism of the pictures.