Marvellous maths and more


Our fabulous school council SPEAK met this week and discussed what was going well this term. The children reported that playtimes were fabulous due to the zoned areas and they really appreciated the support of the Y6 playtime leaders.

Year 3 are studying friendship in PHSE and used a wool circle to discuss what the qualities a strong friendship were to them


Maple class have been learning all about the late Queen's coronation and comparing it to the King's. We looked at the differences and similarities and made our own crowns and sceptres. Yr1 have been exploring the part part whole model and YR have been matching a variety of items, such as leaves, buttons, socks and thimbles.


Rowan class have been studying famous still life artists this week. We set up a gallery in the classroom and the children visited the 'art gallery'. We discussed what we liked and didn't like about certain pieces of art and then chose our favourite piece to recreate in a medium of our choice. 


Children in Birch Class have been learning to add tens across a hundred boundary in maths, which involves an exchange of ten 10s for a hundred. So that the children fully understand, they have been using the Base 10 equipment to show how the exchanges are made. This is crucial for their understanding of addition (and subtraction) as they continue on their maths learning journey through the school. 


Outdoor learning

This half term we have enjoyed lots of activities outside. Building dens, swings and bows and arrows in Forest School. Improving our dribbling and passing skills to make us like England's Lions and Lionesses. As well as taking part in our Longitudinal study about making observations about how the school grounds change over the year. 


In History, we have been putting our Shang Dynasty knowledge to use. This week, we were looking at how the Shang excelled in bronze handicraft and produced richly detailed objects. Bronze was a symbol of power and commanding respect. With our knowledge, we created knowledge organisers to display our understanding. 


Oak Class have been becoming their own archaeologists ahead of our trip next week examining the Kingdom of Benin. We have looked at different plaques from the Kingdom of Benin what stories they tell us.