Final week fun


Maple class read a book about disgusting sandwiches and then made their own DISGUSTING sandwiches with slime cream, slugs and mud for Onion's birthday tea!


Sycamore Class have written explanation texts on 'How to care for a...'

We studied the book 'How to care for a dragon' and then chose a different mythical creature, concentrating on grooming, feeding and habitats. They have written really high quality pieces of writing and have published them too. Don't they look amazing? 


This week in Science, we have been exploring how levers and pulleys give us a mechanical advantage when lifting loads.  We used a glue stick as a fulcrum, along with a ruler as a lever arm to investigate how when  the distance between the fulcrum and the effort increases, the effort needed to lift a load decreases.

Moving on to pulleys: we built our own with plastic bottles, card, string and a wooden skewer. We learnt that as the number of wheels, and the number of pieces of rope supporting the pulleys, increases, the effort needed to lift an object decreases, but the distance the rope has to be pulled increases.

Year 6

Year 6 have been learning all about the components and their functions in blood. To consolidate their knowledge , they produced some amazing posters.