
The David Williams Challenge - No No Noe

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Every day David Walliams will read aloud an extract from his book and we will set tasks for each year group to complete.

Your task:

  • YR – Noe’s favourite word is “no”, what is your favourite word? Why do you like it? Can you create a list of your top ten words?  

  • Y1 – Noe thinks “yes” is a boring word. Can you think of any boring words? Can you improve them? For example, big -> colossal. 

  • Y2 – Can you write a set of school rules that would confuse Noe? 

  • Y3 – Can you write your own story using one of the other characters in the story, perhaps Raj the newsagent, or Mr Potts the Caretaker? 

  • Y4 – Can you draw and write a comic-strip version of the story, to re-tell the key events? 

  • Y5 – Can you create a ‘story mountain’ plotting the setting, build-up, problem, resolution and ending of the story?

  • Y6 – Write a diary entry from the point of view of one of the other characters in the book, for example, Mr Gubbins the Headteacher. 

If you need an extra challenge:

  • Can you draw a picture of the different settings in the story, such as the school and the newsagents?  

Don’t forget to send your work to stanmoresupport@stanmoreprimary.com and your work will be forwarded to your teacher!

Look out tomorrow after lunch for your next set of challenges. 

The David Williams Challenge - Nigel Nit-Boy

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Every day David Walliams will read aloud an extract from his book and we will set tasks for each year group to complete.

Your task:

  • YR – Can you build an insect or animal out of lego? What adventures might they get up to? Could you explain your ideas to a grown up? 

  • Y1 – Can you draw your own super villain, what powers might they have? Is there a way to defeat them?

  • Y2 – Write down some rhyming words linked with the story – eg nit, hit, hair, care. Can you write a poem about Nigel using these words?

  • Y3 – Can you find out information about nits and create an information leaflet for children at school? Remember to use subheading and maybe even a diagram (ergh).

  • Y4 – Write a diary entry from the point of view of Henderson the nit. Think about how he feels about these other nits joining Nigel’s hair and why he does what Nigel says.

  • Y5 – Why do you think David Walliams includes sound effects on this story? Does it make the story more enjoyable? Why? What other sound effects could he have used?

  • Y6 – How could Nigel use his powers for good? Can you write a different ending where Nigel is persuaded to use his nits to make the world a better place? Don’t forget to use paragraphs accurately (new topic, new time, new person, new place).

If you need an extra challenge:

  • Can you bake some biscuits in the shape of what you think a nit might look like? (yuck)

Don’t forget to send your work to stanmoresupport@stanmoreprimary.com and your work will be forwarded to your teacher!

Look out tomorrow after lunch for your next set of challenges. 

The David Williams Challenge - Humbert the Hungry Baby

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Every day David Walliams will read aloud an extract from his book and we will set tasks for each year group to complete.

Your task:

  • YR – Find some of your toys, (animals, dinosaurs, dolls, books…) order them from smallest to largest. Think of some describing words for the smaller items, and some opposite words that could describe the larger items. 

  • Y1 – Can you make an acrostic poem using the letters H-U-M-B-E-R-T to describe the main character? 

  • Y2 – Write a review of the story. What are the main points? How would you describe the characters? Who would you recommend it to? Why? 

  • Y3 – Write down a range of describing words that you can hear in the story that are used to describe Humbert. Can you join some of them together to create some expanded noun phrases? (Where does the comma need to go?) 

  • Y4 – Write a detailed character description of Humbert or his mother or father. You can be inventive… maybe Humbert’s Dad is a golf professional, sumo-wrestler or skydiver? 

  • Y5 – Write a diary entry from the point of view of Humbert’s father. How does he feel about the rate at which Humbert can eat?! 

  • Y6 – Focus on a small section of the story that involves a conversation. Can you re-write it including the correct speech punctuation? 

If you need an extra challenge:

  • Create a menu for Humbert. What food do you think he might enjoy?

Don’t forget to send your work to stanmoresupport@stanmoreprimary.com and your work will be forwarded to your teacher!

Look out tomorrow after lunch for your next set of challenges. 

The David Williams Challenge - Tandy's Tantrums

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Every day David Walliams will read aloud an extract from his book and we will set tasks for each year group to complete.

Your task:

  • YR - Can you draw different fruits and label them to describe what they look, taste, feel and smell like? 

  • Y1 – Draw Tandy and describe what she looks like. Try to put these adjectives into sentences using conjunctions such as and, because, when.

  • Y2 – Write some interesting sentences to describe Tandy and explain why you think she has so many tantrums! 

  • Y3 – Compare Tandy to some other characters that we have met so far. Describe some of the similarities and differences between Tandy, Grubby Gertrude and Trish the Troll.  

  • Y4 – Imagine you are Tandy’s brother or sister. What would you say to her? Do you think she is being silly? Would you join in too, hoping that you might get some ice cream as well? Can you write the conversation using speech punctuation? 

  • Y5 – Why do you think Tandy has become like this? Were there any clues in the text? Can you write a prequel to show what might have happened before this story began? 

  • Y6 – What do you think might happen next? Can you extend the story or create a sequel? What will Tandy be like when she is older? 

If you need an extra challenge:

  • Create a new front cover and blurb for ‘Tandy’s Tantrums’. How can you convince people to read this book?

Don’t forget to send your work to stanmoresupport@stanmoreprimary.com and your work will be forwarded to your teacher!

Look out tomorrow after lunch for your next set of challenges. 

The David Williams Challenge - Trish the Troll

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Every day David Walliams will read aloud an extract from his book and we will set tasks for each year group to complete.

Your task:

  • YR – Can you draw a picture of Trish the Troll? 

  • Y1 – Listen to the story and write down some of the alliterative phrases – eg. Trish the Troll

  • Y2 – Draw Trish the Troll’s home and label it with expanded noun phrases to describe it. 

  • Y3 – Write a descriptive paragraph of Trish the Troll, think about what she looks like as well as what type of character she is (kind/unkind). 

  • Y4 – Choose a small section of the story and see if you can write it as a playscript. Can you include stage directions and a scene description? 

  • Y5 – Recreate a conversation in the story, perhaps between Trish and Megan. Can you include all of the correct speech punctuation? 

  • Y6 – Can you compare Trish the Troll to another character from a story that you are familiar with? What are the similarities and differences? 

If you need an extra challenge:

  • Draw a picture of your own troll, write a character description. Will your troll be mean or kind?

Don’t forget to send your work to stanmoresupport@stanmoreprimary.com and your work will be forwarded to your teacher!

Look out tomorrow after lunch for your next set of challenges. 

The David Williams Challenge - Grubby Gertrude

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Every day David Walliams will read aloud an extract from his book and we will set tasks for each year group to complete.

Your task:

  • YR – Can you make your own rubbish monster?

  • Y1 - Draw Grubby Gertrude. What words could you use to describe her?

  • Y2 - Draw Grubby Gertrude's room and label with expanded noun phrases to describe it.

  • Y3 - Write a descriptive paragraph of the monster including similes and expanded noun phrases.

  • Y4 - Imagine you can hear what the rubbish monster is thinking. Can you write down the conversation he might be having with himself when he is eating the rubbish and then spots Gertrude.

  • Y5 - Imagine Mum was telling a neighbour all about her disgusting child. Can you write the conversation, making sure you punctuate the speech properly?

  • Y6 - Why do you think Gertrude has become this way? Were there any clues in the text? Using different sentence openers, can you think of a back story that explains this?

If you need an extra challenge:

  • create your own rubbish monster using junk modelling.

Don’t forget to send your work to stanmoresupport@stanmoreprimary.com and your work will be forwarded to your teacher!

Look out tomorrow after lunch for your next set of challenges. 

Listen tomorrow at https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/