The David Williams Challenge - Humbert the Hungry Baby

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Every day David Walliams will read aloud an extract from his book and we will set tasks for each year group to complete.

Your task:

  • YR – Find some of your toys, (animals, dinosaurs, dolls, books…) order them from smallest to largest. Think of some describing words for the smaller items, and some opposite words that could describe the larger items. 

  • Y1 – Can you make an acrostic poem using the letters H-U-M-B-E-R-T to describe the main character? 

  • Y2 – Write a review of the story. What are the main points? How would you describe the characters? Who would you recommend it to? Why? 

  • Y3 – Write down a range of describing words that you can hear in the story that are used to describe Humbert. Can you join some of them together to create some expanded noun phrases? (Where does the comma need to go?) 

  • Y4 – Write a detailed character description of Humbert or his mother or father. You can be inventive… maybe Humbert’s Dad is a golf professional, sumo-wrestler or skydiver? 

  • Y5 – Write a diary entry from the point of view of Humbert’s father. How does he feel about the rate at which Humbert can eat?! 

  • Y6 – Focus on a small section of the story that involves a conversation. Can you re-write it including the correct speech punctuation? 

If you need an extra challenge:

  • Create a menu for Humbert. What food do you think he might enjoy?

Don’t forget to send your work to and your work will be forwarded to your teacher!

Look out tomorrow after lunch for your next set of challenges.