The David Williams Challenge - Nigel Nit-Boy

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Every day David Walliams will read aloud an extract from his book and we will set tasks for each year group to complete.

Your task:

  • YR – Can you build an insect or animal out of lego? What adventures might they get up to? Could you explain your ideas to a grown up? 

  • Y1 – Can you draw your own super villain, what powers might they have? Is there a way to defeat them?

  • Y2 – Write down some rhyming words linked with the story – eg nit, hit, hair, care. Can you write a poem about Nigel using these words?

  • Y3 – Can you find out information about nits and create an information leaflet for children at school? Remember to use subheading and maybe even a diagram (ergh).

  • Y4 – Write a diary entry from the point of view of Henderson the nit. Think about how he feels about these other nits joining Nigel’s hair and why he does what Nigel says.

  • Y5 – Why do you think David Walliams includes sound effects on this story? Does it make the story more enjoyable? Why? What other sound effects could he have used?

  • Y6 – How could Nigel use his powers for good? Can you write a different ending where Nigel is persuaded to use his nits to make the world a better place? Don’t forget to use paragraphs accurately (new topic, new time, new person, new place).

If you need an extra challenge:

  • Can you bake some biscuits in the shape of what you think a nit might look like? (yuck)

Don’t forget to send your work to and your work will be forwarded to your teacher!

Look out tomorrow after lunch for your next set of challenges.