The David Williams Challenge - Tandy's Tantrums

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Every day David Walliams will read aloud an extract from his book and we will set tasks for each year group to complete.

Your task:

  • YR - Can you draw different fruits and label them to describe what they look, taste, feel and smell like? 

  • Y1 – Draw Tandy and describe what she looks like. Try to put these adjectives into sentences using conjunctions such as and, because, when.

  • Y2 – Write some interesting sentences to describe Tandy and explain why you think she has so many tantrums! 

  • Y3 – Compare Tandy to some other characters that we have met so far. Describe some of the similarities and differences between Tandy, Grubby Gertrude and Trish the Troll.  

  • Y4 – Imagine you are Tandy’s brother or sister. What would you say to her? Do you think she is being silly? Would you join in too, hoping that you might get some ice cream as well? Can you write the conversation using speech punctuation? 

  • Y5 – Why do you think Tandy has become like this? Were there any clues in the text? Can you write a prequel to show what might have happened before this story began? 

  • Y6 – What do you think might happen next? Can you extend the story or create a sequel? What will Tandy be like when she is older? 

If you need an extra challenge:

  • Create a new front cover and blurb for ‘Tandy’s Tantrums’. How can you convince people to read this book?

Don’t forget to send your work to and your work will be forwarded to your teacher!

Look out tomorrow after lunch for your next set of challenges.