Consultation on extending the School Day

In the School’s White Paper (Published March 2022) the Government announced that in order to give every pupil the opportunity to achieve their full academic potential, all mainstream, state funded schools would be expected to deliver a minimum school week of 32.5 hours.

The deadline to implement the minimum school week is September 2024. The 32.5 hour minimum expectation includes the time in each day from the official start of the school day (i.e. morning registration) to the official end of the compulsory school day (i.e. official home time). The 32.5 hour minimum includes lunch times and other breaks as well as teaching time and any enrichment activities that all pupils are expected to attend. It does not include optional before or after school provision.

 At Stanmore Primary School, we are not currently meeting the new minimum expectation. The Governors intend to increase our school day to 6.5 hours by extending the end of the day to 15:30 from September 2024. This puts us in line with local schools, who already finish at 3:30pm. By extending lunchtime, we can offer booster support or enrichment activities as appropriate.

If you would like to share your view on our plans to extend the school day, then please email: with the title: consultation on extending the school day.