Science through Oreos and light!


Maple have made sure NOT to let the pigeon drive the bus in our classroom! We have explored the pigeon's expressions carefully and thought about using the zones of regulation to both describe his feelings and how to manage them. We have also built our own lollipop stick buses, created our own dream vehicles to drive, as well as drawing and painting the  pigeon.


This week Rowan class have been busy learning their 10- and 5-times tables in maths with lots of practical resources and exploring recycling in science by sorting materials based on if they can be reused or recycled. They have also been enjoying their visits to the Library lately and picking out new books to read based on other children's recommendations. We have had some children already begin their Stanmore Top 30 book challenge as well! 


This week in geography, Birch Class have been learning about how earthquakes and volcanoes are formed. They discovered that tectonic plates move in different ways, causing weaknesses in the earth's crust. To demonstrate their understanding, the children used Oreos to model divergent, convergent and transform plate boundary movements. Of course, the 'tectonic plates' were eaten afterwards! 

Year 6

As part of our hook lesson in Science, we were each given a question (in groups) related to our new topic of light that we researched and presented as a scientific information poster to the rest our year group.