Stanmore Post - 20 September 2020

Dear Parents,

Thank you to everyone who attended one or both of the virtual meetings held yesterday. Working in partnership with you continues to be an important part of our school value ‘belonging.’ At the first meeting, we were able to share our progress on our school improvement journey. The aims of our school: Purposeful, irresistible learning where children are inspired to thrive and everyone is the BEST that they can be is at the heart of our Curriculum Strategy. The intention of our Curriculum is that children are given the skills that they need to be successful now and in their future. If you would like to hear excerpts from the meeting, this is available at:

Chris Lindsay, our Chair of Governors, shared the views of parents from the parent questionnaire. The increase in positive responses reflects the improving profile of the school. Your positive feedback and constructive comments help to shape our school improvement journey.

Parents were able to view the early plans for our new building project which will provide a modern, more accessible entrance to our school. The plans also include an upgrade to some KS2 classes. We are working with Hampshire County Council and hope that the build can begin in the Summer Holidays.  

The second virtual meeting yesterday was held by the Friends of Stanmore School. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a formal meeting to elect members. I would like to thank all members of the FOS past and present for their valuable work in supporting the school, ensuring that all of our children benefit from a variety of enrichment opportunities. 

As you will be aware, due to Covid restrictions we are unable to hold Parents’ Evening in person this year. Instead we are offering telephone consultations from 3:30pm on Tuesday 24th and Thursday 26th November. Please sign up for these now on ScoPay if you have not done so already. We will contact you at the time you requested on the phone number that we hold for you so please let the school office know if there has been a recent change. If you are unsure of your time, please contact the office. 

The structure of the 10 minute consultation will be:

  • To answer any questions that you may have

  • To share with you how your child has settled in to their class this term

  • To share with you whether your child is on track to meet their end of year expectations in reading, writing and maths

  • To share targets for the spring term

This week we have taken part in Anti-Bullying Week 2020. This year the theme is: United Against Bullying, many children came to school in odd socks today in support of this. Work has focused on empowering children with strategies to work together to tackle bullying. Any child experiencing bullying should talk to one of their 5 trusted adults, or put a message in the worry box. Incidents of bullying are dealt with through our behaviour policy. Parents will be invited in to discuss their child’s behaviour and in the first instance sign a Code of Conduct. Support is offered to children who are showing bullying behaviour and to any child who has experienced bullying. If you have any concerns please talk to your child’s class teacher or Mrs. Taylor.   

Best Wishes

Sharon Taylor