Stanmore Post - 13 November 2020

Thank you to everyone who completed the recent parent survey. Your response reflects an improving view of the school. I am particularly pleased to see that parents feel their children are safe, happy and are taught well. You may have noticed the wordall on the website which highlights the words chosen by parents to describe the school.

Working in partnership with you continues to be an important part of our school value ‘belonging.’ We recognise that this is difficult at the moment with restrictions, including wearing face coverings, in place. Your positive feedback and constructive comments help to shape our school improvement journey. Parents would like more feedback on school routines, mixed year groups and progress that children are making. We will be holding a webinar to share more information about the school improvement journey on Thursday 19th November at 6:30pm

Parents were also asking about what Parents Evening will look like this year. Parents Evening will be a telephone consultation from 3:30pm on Tuesday 24th and Thursday 26th November. Please sign up for these now on ScoPay. We will contact you on the phone number that we hold for you so please let the school office know if there has been a recent change. 

This week we have taken part in ‘Maths Week England,’ celebrating and sharing the positive image of mathematics. Across the school, children have been learning about important mathematicians, funny maths facts and even a bit of Maths Magic. In addition to this, there were challenges between the classes in KS2 on Times Tables Rockstars and we have been taking part in a national challenge called 'Barvember'.

In other curriculum news, Children in Birch and Maple were excited to hear from children’s Author Anne Wan. She is looking for inspiration for a new book that she is writing. The children made deep sea diving googles and explored beneath the sea by watching ‘The Blue Planet.’ They are now working on their book ideas to send back to Anne.

The ‘Incredible Italia’ topic continued in Year 3 and 4 this week with the children all making delicious pizzas to bring home in their custom made boxes.

Best Wishes

Sharon Taylor