Stanmore Post - 25 June 2021

Dear Parents/ Carers, 

Thank you to the parents who attended or viewed the New Year R Parents meeting this week. We are pleased to welcome you and your child into the Stanmore family from September.  As part of the presentation, Miss Day talked about transition as a process not an event.  Our process of transition begins before the children start school and continues through each year linked to our values of Belonging, Excellence, Support and Trust. Transition works best when children feel rooted, secure and known. Relationships in our school are positive, which helps children feel like they belong and can be themselves as they grow up and move on. Feelings of anxiety are normal for children changing year groups or moving school, you can support us by reassuring them that they will be fine.  We can all help our children to manage these feelings by reminding them of how much they have learned this year and the possibilities and choices that lie ahead.  

As part of the Grounds Development, the Governors have committed funding that will enable us to move forward with the KS1 playground equipment. To maximise this funding we have applied for grants and expect that we will have an outcome soon. You can see the design drawings here.

This week children in Year 5/6 were invited to Winchester College to take part in a range of environmental based activities. The children enjoyed cooking on a camp fire and exploring the river. We are very appreciative of the partnership work with Winchester College. Children in Year 3 and 4 have been writing stories inspired by Charlie and the Chocolate factory, creating animations using Purple Mash and building electrical circuits. In Year 1 and 2 children have started to investigate the work of sculptor Andy Goldsworthy and are starting their History Mystery topic by finding out about St Catherine’s Hill. In Catkins children have created a fantastic poster for the Onion Stage at the Reading Festival. 

See more of our work from this week

Unfortunately the weather does not look good for the Reading Festival on Monday. Although we could carry on it seems a shame to spoil what promises to be a really memorable day. We have taken the decision to postpone this event until Monday 5th July. Please can children save all of their festival wear for another week.   

Best wishes,

Sharon Taylor