Rivers, Sausages and Electricity

Year 5 and 6

Year 5 and 6 took part in a school trip organised by Winchester College this week to explore their nature reserve and learn more about life in our local rivers. Activities included: lighting their own campfire, cooking sausages over the fire, learning how the chalk base of the river affects the purity of the water and identifying some of the many creatures that live in our local rivers.

The weather held out for all groups and everyone had a fantastic time. Some of the comments after the trip included:

“I loved that we were able to see dragonfly up close.”

“I never realised there were so many different animals living in the rivers and that fly larvae could look so different form each other.”

“The walks were beautiful and the sausages were delicious!”

Thanks go to Winchester College for allowing us into their nature reserve and leading the tasks and for Mrs Horkan for organising the trip.

Year 3 and 4

This week, Year 3 and 4 have been learning about electrical circuits. They explored the components of circuits and used this knowledge to look at images of circuits and predict if they would work or not. The children used a variety of bulbs, buzzers and motors to check their predictions. What a lot of bright sparks!

Year 1 and 2

We began to look at the artist Andy Goldsworthy this week in year 1/2. We researched him using the chrome books, drawing his sculptures and making notes about his life. Then we had a go at creating Andy Goldsworthy inspired art using natural objects we found in our outside area.