Captain Tom

On 6th April 2020, Captain Tom set out round his garden to thank our NHS heroes. One hundred laps later, he’d raised an incredible £38.9 million for the NHS Covid-19 appeal.

As this Friday would have been Captain Tom’s 101st birthday, we decided to build on his legacy and take part in the Captain Tom 100 challenge. Classes were challenged to read for 100 minutes and to take part in linked Maths activities.

Yr R

We used flowers and tens frames to find 100 objects in our outside area. The children loved collecting the items and counting together to support Captain Tom.

Year 1 and 2

The year 1/2 children in Rowan and Maple were challenged to see if they could collect 100 items that they found outside into a hoop. They worked as a team to collect the items and thought about how many of each item they needed in order to make 100, some grouping in 10s, 20s, 25s and 50s. This was a brilliant way of showing all that we had learnt in our multiplication and division from this week.

Year 3 and 4

As part of our recognition of the Captain Tom 100 Day, we have been writing some futuristic descriptions of what we think that our school, house or street might be like in 100 years time. We had lots of suggestions about hovering cars, robots to bring cups of tea and even portals to take us to other worlds! In maths we were estimating using money, length and mass. We had to think flexibly about the best ways to measure based on the equipment that we had. Added into all of that, we have achieved our 100 minutes reading challenge!

To complete the Captain 100 challenge, Birch class worked in teams to collect stones, twigs, daisy or leaves: estimating when they had 100 grams in their bags. Two groups managed to estimate 100 grams correctly with a range of 50 grams to 650 grams.

Year 5 and 6

Oak and Elm class have completed their 100 minute reading challenge for Sir Tom Moore! The children loved watching the ‘ temperature’ rise on their scale to show how many minutes they had left to go. This was their way of commemorating the life of Captain Tom and classes also completed a selection of Captain Tom themed Maths and English tasks, including writing acrostic poems using the words ‘One Hundred’.