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Year 1 and 2

This week in Year 1/2 we have begun our new topic 'Is there anybody out there?'. We started our topic by analysing images and portraits of people of the past. We then focused on Neil Armstrong and found that he was significant because he was the first man to step foot on the moon. This week we also began our art focus. The children were tasked with recreating the same image 4 times and found it very tricky to make each image exactly the same.

Maths was focused on multiplication with Year 1 learning how to count in 5s and Year 2 using their multiplication knowledge to solve problems using number lines and arrays. In science we continued with our longitudinal study, assessing how the weather affects the animals that live on our school grounds. We went to the pond and discussed how tadpoles are a sign of Spring as the weather has become sunnier and warmer which provides better conditions for animals to have offspring. We are very proud of how Year 1/2 have settled into school and are of the work that Year 1/2 have done this week!

Year 3 and 4

This week, Year 3 and 4 enjoyed our Hook Lesson for our new topic 'What makes Chocolate Unique' and what better way to start a unit about chocolate, than tasting chocolate?

Funnily enough, everyone was very eager to take part! Even the adults! We started by developing our vocabulary. Before we could eat any chocolate we had to look at it carefully and describe it's appearance. We then had to smell it and finally we could taste it! We came up with words like; rich, creamy, bitter, milky and delicious.

As you can see, we really enjoyed ourselves, and these photos capture our 'irresistible' curriculum perfectly!

We also started a new Science unit called 'States of Matter'.

It was an exploratory session to see if we could understand the difference between solids, liquids and gases. The children came up with some amazing statements and questions, including:

  • Solids don't move, they just are a shape.

  • Liquids are runny. You can't hold a liquid.

  • Gases are mostly hot.

  • How do you know that there is gas around us?

  • How many particles are there in a grain of sand?

    We explored with different materials, such as: jelly, custard, rice pudding, shaving foam, sand, and fairy liquid.

Year 5 and 6

This week in year 5/6, we have spent our English lessons immersing ourselves in our new text. ‘Shadow of the Minotaur’. To hook us all in we were all given a lump of clay and a short description of a Greek mythical beast, and asked to create a sculpture which matched. We thoroughly enjoyed using the clay and we were all able to produce some fantastic (and terrifying) creatures!