Stanmore Post - 4 September 2020

A huge congratulations to all of our Stanmore families and teachers. We are definitely the BEST school. This morning got off to a great start with 92% of children in Year 1- 6 returning to school after the restricted opening and summer holiday. Almost everyone made it in on time and children settled into their classes quickly. The children looked smart in their school uniform and almost all were happy to return to their classes and their friends. This is a reflection of the work that we have done together, as a whole school community, to maintain a sense of belonging and some continuity during the past few months. 

Next week you will receive an email from your child’s class teacher. This is by way of virtual introduction and in place of our usual ‘meet the teacher.’ If you wish to share any information about your child, you have the option to send an email reply. Alternatively, you may prefer to arrange a telephone call for an issue or query that requires more discussion.  

The children have spent the day in their class ‘bubbles.’ This has remained consistent inside the classroom, during lunch and outside during break time. Each ‘bubble’ is staying apart from other ‘bubbles’ as much as possible. This is one of the systems of control measures that we have in place to keep children safe. Handwashing continues to be an important control measure. Please help us by reminding your child about social distancing. Naturally, younger children enjoy physical play with each other but we are discouraging physical contact during both play and sport. In their bubbles, children are seated facing the front and trays are kept under the tables to minimise movement within the classroom. Thank you for not sending in large rucksacks and limiting the equipment that you are sending in with your child. Movement around school has also been limited.

We plan to improve the pick up at the end of the day. Willow Class will leave from the end door of the KS2 corridor, nearest to their class. Parents should wait outside this door, keeping a safe distance from one another. Sycamore and Birch will line up on the KS2 playground. We ask that parents please wait further back, towards the field on this playground, to allow room for social distancing. Bollards will be placed on the playground to indicate where to stand. Please could all parents leave the site as quickly as you can after collecting your child, so that we do not have overcrowding of pinch points at the exits.  

During the next half term, we will be looking closely at any gaps that have opened up in children’s learning. Each class will focus on key skills as part of a ‘catch up’ programme alongside the year group curriculum. The priority this half term will be: early reading skills, including phonics and reading fluency for older pupils, place value (understanding the value of each digit in a number), number bonds (a whole number is made up of parts) and times tables. Your help with this at home continues to be appreciated.  Where necessary we will be providing additional lessons for some small groups. Homework will resume. It will be sent home next Friday to be returned the following Wednesday. This allows time for books to be left untouched for a period of 48 hours.  

You will have noticed the building work on the land adjacent to the school. This land belonged to Hampshire County Council, and the school will benefit from the recent sale of this land. Plans are already underway; improving access, safety and some teaching spaces. During the summer, all of the Year R/1/2 classrooms have been decorated and they look clean and smart. Improving the school environment, both inside and out, is an important aspect of our planned school improvement journey. We will invite you to look at the plans once they are available. 

Best wishes 

Sharon Taylor



We would like to say a HUGE ‘THANK YOU’  to Mrs Barton, Mrs Best and Mrs Vincent, for their overwhelming efforts during the summer holiday to update our library. This has been a huge task, and their dedication to bringing our library up to date for the benefit of the children is much appreciated. We can’t wait until the library is back in full use.


We are very excited to announce that R & R Sports will be offering football clubs to Year 5 and 6 children only, on a Tuesday and a Thursday after school from 3.30pm to 4.30pm, starting week commencing 14th September. On Tuesday, the club will be for girls only, and on Thursday, the club will be for boys only.

To begin with, as the Government has issued strict guidelines on contact sports, the clubs will be focussing on key skills, personal development and practising shooting into a net. As soon as contact sports are allowed again, the clubs will be playing games. The children showing the most talent at these classes will be selected for an ‘elite’ team who will be representing Stanmore Primary School at tournaments. Jake will be hosting the classes on a Tuesday and Thursday. The children are all known to him, and he has been supporting the school throughout lockdown, offering PE lessons to children in school. He is a very talented young man who is highly respected by children, and staff. He used to play for Southampton FC, and we are very proud to have him with us. The clubs will be run directly through R & R Sports. A leaflet with further details is can be downloaded here.


Music tuition will be starting in school next week after a long absence. Parents who have asked for their children to have peripatetic music lessons will receive an email about this. If you would like your child to receive lessons, but don’t receive a confirmation email, please contact us via


For any child who needs medication in school, we must have a new form completed for this academic year. Please bring in any medication on Monday morning and hand to our admin team, who will be at the front of the school with ‘administering of medication’ forms for you to fill in. For those of you who have a printer, please find attached a form. Please complete it at home, and return to school on Monday. Any letters/forms can be posted through the outside post box at the top of the stairs outside reception.


Thank you to all those parents who have completed and returned slips confirming we have permission for your child, in year 5 or 6 only, to walk to and from school unaccompanied. For those of you who do not have access to a printer, we will have them at the front of the school at the start of the day on Monday.


As you will be aware, we were planning a residential trip for our Year 6 children, to Stubbington in November 2020. The Government guidance currently does not allow for children to have overnight stays away on educational trips. We are looking at all options available to us, and hope to have more information for you next week. Please accept our apologies that we are unable to give further clarification at this point, and be assured we are doing all we can to move this issue forwardThank you.