Stanmore Post - 11 September 2020

Well done to children, staff and parents for a successful first week back at school. The children have continued to settle into the new way of working this term. There are many positives. The school is calm and children are adjusting back into a working environment with their new teacher and classmates. They seem to be enjoying their new topics and have been proud to show off their work in their brand new books. Parents will receive Year Group Curriculum maps next week.  

The class ‘bubbles’ are working well and we will continue to work in these as much as possible. Playtimes are also working well in ‘bubbles.’ Children eat their lunch with their classmates and then enjoy some time outside in their zoned area.  

Next week the children in Key Stage 1 will re-start Read write Inc. It may be necessary to mix some of the children to ensure that the groupings are appropriate for the children. We will use other control measures including more reliance on social distancing, facing the front and limiting the sharing of resources to continue to minimise risk.  

There are of course some challenges, I am sure that you have noticed that your children are tired and maybe more emotional as a result of the increased demands. If this becomes difficult to manage please let your child’s class teacher know and we can provide some additional support.  

You will have noticed that the arrangements at the end of the day are gradually improving. I don’t think we will reach a perfect solution, although I am always open to an idea. I promise you that we have considered many options and believe that continuing to practise and perfect what we are doing is the best way forward at the moment. Your support in standing back, waiting, following the one way system and keeping your distance is much appreciated.  

Should your child need to self-isolate whilst awaiting test results or as a result of a positive test in your household we have created home learning that should be completed. The work can be found at:

This work matches the key concepts that the children will be learning at school. We would like you to complete the work on paper ensuring that it is titled as ‘Home Learning’ and dated. There are plain sheets, lined and squared paper templates on the website for you to print off. Please return this when your child comes back to school. It will be added to your child’s book to show a sequence of learning with as few gaps as possible. If you need work printed off, please contact the office. Children who are unable to complete work at home during isolation will be invited to attend homework club on their return so that they do not fall further behind. If a whole bubble has to isolate, we will inform you and there will be a more detailed plan for home learning.

Best Wishes

Sharon Taylor