Summer Term 2020 - sharing our work and latest House Points totals

The Results are in. Well done to everyone who took part in the Virtual Sports Day - here are the results:

Kingfisher - an amazing 3642 points

Heron - a brilliant 3134 points

Heron - a superb 3655 points

Lark - a magnificent 4203 points

So the winner is…..LARK. Take a look below to see how this changes the house point totals.

This week Team Lions have been making 3D shapes with spaghetti and Jelly Tots. The children managed to make cubes, cuboids and even some pentagonal prisms.

Team Tigers have been finishing their dinosaur posters and exploring the strange and wonderful world of Wallace and Gromit and their inventions.

Well done to Sam Dickel and Lily Bennett who made some fantastic Titanic models at home. Sam’s was even made on Minecraft.

Team Catkins have been taking part in bug hunts: they have created their own bugs from toilet rolls and wool and completed a scavenger hunt to see what they can find.

Children are encouraged to share the work they are completing at home by sending it to us by email to:

When you share your work with us, you may well earn points for your House.

These are the totals for the Summer Term so far.

House Points for Summer Term up to and including week beginning 13 July 2020


The Winner of the House Cup for the Summer term is


Well done everyone