Coronavirus - latest from Stanmore Primary

Last updated 17:00, 22 May 2020

This page will give the latest key guidance for the school to all parents, pupils and staff of Stanmore Primary School.

Our principles during this evolving situation are:

  1. To protect members of our community and to keep them safe

  2. To provide a quality education for as long as possible

  3. To follow official government or health authority advice

  4. To communicate as openly and clearly as we can, providing timely updates

The following questions and answers give our latest position and guidance. If you have any questions that we have not answered, please use the form at the bottom of the page to log your question and we will attempt to answer them within the limits of the guidance we have been given to date.

Plan for school return for Years R, 1 and 6 

In accordance with the Prime Minister’s announcement on Sunday 10th May, we are continuing to make plans for the first phase of a return to Stanmore Primary School for Years R, 1 and 6. This will only happen in line with Government Guidance expected by Thursday 28th May 2020. However, like all schools we have made plans ahead of confirmation by the Government.

At Stanmore Primary School the return dates are planned for: 

  • Monday June 1st Children of critical workers, vulnerable children and Children in Year R

  • Tuesday 2nd June Children in Year 1

  • Thursday 4th June Children in Year 6 

As you would want and expect from us, we are following all available Government and Local Authority advice in working to create a range of health and safety measures.

School will not look or feel the same for your children. You can help prepare your child by sharing the photos of the site with them and sharing the ‘social stories’ that will help give a clear message about what they can expect. These can be found at:

Managing the risks for your children

  • The guidance makes very clear that primary-age children cannot be expected to comply with social distancing – we will manage groups of children in ‘pods’ of 15. These ‘pods’ will have their own classroom space and central to our plan is that they work separately from other pods. 

  • Children will be taught in half year groups – We have plans in place for 8 pods. Where possible we will keep children of the same year groups within a pod. It may be necessary to have some mixed age pods, particularly for children of critical workers and vulnerable children in Year 2-5  

  • Most children will not be taught by their class teacher – There will be up to two adults familiar to your child, but not necessarily their class teacher. The work will be planned with input from their year-group teacher, they aren’t guaranteed to be with that teacher.

  • We will set systems in place to maximise hygiene practices – frequent handwashing practices will continue, as well as a regime of cleaning surfaces and contact points throughout the day. Children will also have their own desk and equipment to use wherever possible, with highly restricted sharing of resources. Children will need to bring a water bottle and lunch box but no other bags or equipment including soft toys and mobile phones

  • First Aid and management of cross-contamination – Every class has a first aid kit and a book to record incidents and any potential C-19 cross-contamination. The teacher will deal with any first aid incidents and record them in the class book as a ‘green’ incident. A first Aider will be called to the class for a head bump or more serious cut or bruise and record this as an ‘amber’ incident. Parents will be notified by text or phone call in the same way as usual. Parents will continue to always be notified straight away in the event of a serious medical incident. We ask that you remind your child about the need for good hygiene including managing coughs and sneezes. If there has been any risk of cross-contamination this will also be recorded. Staff have PPE to use if there is a first aid incident or a child accidentally wets or soils themselves. Don’t worry, we have spare clothes for your child.

  • If your child becomes unwell with symptoms – please don’t send your child to school, if they have a new or continuous dry cough, a high temperature and loss of smell or taste. Please let us know and book your child to be tested immediately. Other families in your child’s pod will be notified that they need to stay at home until the test result is returned. If the test result is positive, the symptomatic child will need to stay at home for 7 days. The other children in the group will need to stay at home for 14 days. If the test result is negative then the ill child should stay at home until they are well and the remaining children can return to school immediately. This is also the case should a member of staff show symptoms.  

  • If your child becomes unwell with symptoms at school – they will be cared for by a member of staff in Acorns. You will contacted and asked to collect your child from Acorns and then advised to follow the Covid-19 guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection.

Managing the School Day

  • School start and finish times – These will remain the same initially. The gates will be locked at 9:30am allowing for longer because of the queuing system.  We are aware of ‘pinch points’ at the school gates, therefore there will be an in/out system marked with 2m intervals.

  • Drop off and pick up – Social distancing is expected across the school site and we rely on you to manage that up until you get to the classroom doors. There will be a ‘check in’ and ‘check out’ queue for parents and children leading up to the classroom door. These will be marked at 2m intervals. Only one parent can accompany the child onto the school site.

  • Wrap around provision - This remains under review. Children mixing before and after school compromises the strategy of keeping children in their groups to lower the risk of transmission and therefore parents should not expect that this provision will resume at this time. 

  • Attendance - Registers will be taken in each ‘pod’ each morning and afternoon. Children returning from Year R, 1 and 6 should attend school every day. Parents of critical workers have been ‘booking’ children in for days that match shift patterns. Children of critical workers in Year 2-5 only may continue with this arrangement notifying the school in advance using the existing processes we have been following during lockdown.

  • Notifying the school of absence or non-attendance If a child is in Year R, 1 or 6 and will not be returning to school we must receive this in writing with a reason for your decision. If a child is attending school, but is absent due to illness in parents MUST phone the office every day by 9am stating the reason for absence. 

  • All penalties regarding non-attendance have been suspended – although the Government strongly encourage children to attend, they will not be challenging school attendance during this period. Some will not be able to attend because their families are self-isolating or shielding. We will support your decision regarding what you feel is best for the safety and wellbeing of your children

Managing the school experience

  • The curriculum in school – we are really looking forward to seeing children back in school and are working hard to create a curriculum that can be delivered in these unusual circumstances. Children will work mainly from their desks, using our lovely grounds whenever possible. Children in the Early Years and our younger children in Year One, will be encouraged to keep a safe distance. It will not be appropriate for them to sit at desks all day or to learn without sharing some resources and equipment. These will be wiped down with sanitising spray or washed regularly. 

  • The virtual curriculum – this will continue, but instead of sending work to stanmoresupport, work will be submitted to:

  • We will not be able to provide the full depth and breadth of curriculum that your children are used to - mental health and wellbeing will be the priority on return. Time will be spent listening to your children and reassuring them. In addition to this children in Catkins, will be re-integrating into school life and getting used to separating from their parents ready for transition to Year 1. In Year 1 children will be re-visiting the early reading skills including phonics and revisiting early number skills in preparation for Year 2. In Year 6 we aim to give children as much ‘closure’ as we can to their primary school years while focusing on readiness for Kings in terms of their work.

  • Playtime and Lunchtime - Each pod will be allocated an outdoor space. Year R and Year 1 will eat in the hall, with spaces set out carefully to minimise contact. Older children will remain in their classrooms and lunch will be brought to them, or they will eat from their lunch box. Tables will be wiped down with sanitising spray before and after lunch and bins will be emptied regularly. All children should wear trainers ready to be outside and enjoy freedom of movement during the day where less restricted use of the grounds will be timetabled for each pod. Sorry no football or contact sports including tag at break, lunchtime or as part of exercise. 

  • Clothing – children should wear school uniform and trainers. Normal good personal hygiene and regular washing of clothes is recommended.

  • Behaviour – Please talk to your children about the need to follow the school rules, including those on social distancing. We are working on a revised behaviour policy and further guidance on this will follow. Adults are asked to respect these guidelines and support us in managing the risks while on site, whatever your personal views. We belong to a community and have shown tremendous support for one another during lockdown. 

Q. Where can I find the latest government advice?

Information for parents and carers with regards to the reopening of schools:

Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020:

Implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings:

Specific information about online safety:

More government information and advice can be found at this link: 

Q. How can I help to prepare my child for their return to school?

You can help prepare your child by sharing the photos of the site with them and sharing the ‘social stories’ that will help give a clear message about what they can expect.

These can be found at:

Q. Will my child be able to still have free school meals?

Children in Year R and 1 will be able to have school meals as part of the universal infant free school meals provision when they are in school.

Children who are eligible for free school meals on a means-tested basis, are able to have free school meals when they are in school. In addition, for those children not currently in school, working with HC3, Hampshire’s school meals service, lunches for those already eligible for Free School Meals will be available.

We appreciate that some people may become eligible for free school meals during this period. If you think you might be eligbile, please contact us.

Q. If my child needs to be in self-isolation following the official government advice, how do I inform the school?

If your child needs to be in self-isolation following the official advice from the government, please contact the school via the online form on our Attendance and illness webpage, or call the school and leave a message. It is important that you clearly tell us if the absence is due to self-isolation.

Q. What should I do if my child has an underlying health condition, or someone in my family is at greater risk from the virus?

We advise all parents and carers to follow the official government advice with regards to self-isolation or social distancing. However, if you are worried about particular health conditions you should consult the NHS website or your GP for any specific guidance related to your circumstances.

Q. Will the events in the school calendar still go ahead?

Following the government advice about social distancing given on 16th March 2020, we have decided to cancel any events for the foreseeable future.

Q. What can I do to help stop the spread of the virus?

There are general principles anyone can follow to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses which can be found here -

Q. Will the SATs tests still go ahead?

Given the Department of Education’s announcement, the SATs tests will not take place this year.

Q. Are after school clubs and childcare continuing?

After school clubs will cease to run from Wednesday 18th March until further notice. This is due to potential staff shortages.

Poppins after school club will cease.

Creative Kidz are updating parents registered with them directly.

Can’t see the answer to your question here?

Then let us know what your question is, and we will try our best to answer it.