Stanmore Post - 4 December 2020

Dear Parents,

Our curriculum is designed so that children:

  • Appreciate – to be equipped with a breadth of language, the inclination to learn something new and a sense of wonder 

  • Participate – to be actively engaged in the entire curriculum experience, as appropriate, using our ‘Keys for Success.’

  • Innovate – to have the aspiration and expectation that a new idea, method or product will be created as part of the curriculum experience

We have a wonderful YR/1 video that you may have seen on our website or on Facebook. This snapshot of life in Catkins reflects our three curriculum values and we are grateful for the support of Sean Pruen, one of our parents in producing this video. If you know someone who has a school age child in September 2021 please encourage them to visit our admissions page.

Our curriculum planning ensures that children are actively engaged in learning. This week children in KS1 have been exploring sea themed art inspired by past and present artists.  During the week, Year 3 and 4 were greeted by their teachers dressed as Roman emperors or Gladiators. The day started with maths - Roman style and continued with Roman myths, Roman mosaics and Roman sandal designing. They even took a trip to the Colosseum, learning about the Roman architecture and history behind this iconic place. Year 5 have been building 3D models as part of their river study while Year 6 have used their persistence and resilience keys to build 3D bridges.

Thank you to everyone who has taken part in the ‘reverse’ advent calendar. We have seen many families donate gifts for the basic bank this week. Activities like this reflect the positive community spirit and our value of Support at Stanmore Primary School. 

Earlier this week, parents attended the parent workshop run by Mrs Fenton and Mrs Mason. This was really well received and parents found it helpful to know that they are not alone in noticing that their children struggle from time to time. The simple message following this event is that we are here to support you by working in partnership.  

A special mention this week to Freddie and Mahika in Year 6 who won gold certificates in the Primary Maths Challenge! Well done we are proud of you. We know we have some marvellous mathematicians in year 5 too. We will be relying on you to maintain this Gold Standard next year. We will keep you posted. Isabella in Year 4 has received a certificate from the Summer Reading Challenge. You are all super stars. 

Yours sincerely, 

Sharon Taylor

PS – don’t forget to check where the elf has been this week