Christmas 2020 activities in Stanmore Primary School

Children have enjoyed Christmas traditions with a 2020 twist. Christmas Dinner was served in the ‘bubbles.’ We managed this over the week rather than on one day, thanks to the efforts of Mandy and her team at HC3S. This meant that the children could still eat in the hall with Christmas Crackers and festive music. 

Items were donated to the Winchester Basics Bank through our ‘reverse’ advent calendar. Families donated different items each day. Hampers were made for some Stanmore families from members of the Level 10 Church Community. Thank you to all involved in giving so generously. 

The team at Christ Church led a very special Christingle Service for us. This was held in class ‘bubbles.’ Every child made a Christingle and took part in the service virtually. 

This year we have had to adapt some of our existing traditions. Carols in the Courtyard was replaced by the ‘Festival of Light.’ Each class decorated a Christmas tree, generously donated to us. These were put outside the classrooms so that parents and children could enjoy seeing them decorated and lit up as they walked around the one way system.