Stanmore Post - 27 November 2020

Thank you for attending the virtual parents evening this week. I appreciate that a phone call cannot replace a visit with the teacher in person. However, I trust that you were able to find out about how your child has settled this term and hear about their wellbeing and progress. The targets will have given you an indication of their next steps and I am sure you were proud to see the writing that came home before the meeting. If you have any concerns or unanswered questions following Parents Evening, please contact the school office to arrange a follow up appointment with the class teacher, myself, or Mrs Fenton.  

Some parents are telling us that they are noticing a change in their children's behaviour since lockdown. Mrs Fenton and Mrs Mason have invited parents to an informal workshop, which will offer strategies which might help at home. We are most likely to bring about change if we are working together using similar language and consistent expectations. This virtual meeting will be held on Wednesday 2nd December at 10am and 6pm. Please contact the school office if you would like to attend. 

We are so fortunate to have fantastic support locally to ensure that the children have a memorable Christmas. Hillier's Garden Centre have donated a large Christmas tree that we are placing opposite the library so that all the children can see it from the inside and it can also be seen on the walk around school at drop off. In addition to this, we are expecting a delivery of 10 Nordmann Fir Trees on Tuesday 1st December, thanks to a wonderful anonymous donation and generous discount from Burcot Farm. We are very grateful. Each class will decorate a tree and we will work towards a 'Festival of Light' in the last week of term so that parents can also enjoy the creative designs. Christ Church are working with us on a virtual Christingle Service and the Friends of Stanmore are arranging a Christmas Market for children to choose a present for members of their family. This is already looking very popular. Children can wear Christmas Jumpers on this day, Friday 11th December. All children will have a special Christmas Dinner in the hall in year group 'bubbles.' It will be different this year but we will still be creating lasting memories for you and your children. 

INSET day today was the second day of staff training in delivering reading and writing through the Read write Inc. programme. The impact of our improvement work can be seen in the high quality writing from children in Year 2

Yours sincerely, 

Sharon Taylor