Stanmore Post - 6 November 2020

Dear Parents,

The children have settled back into school really well after the half term break and we have some fantastic learning outcomes. Today, children from KS1 toasted marshmallows over a fire pit and Year 3 and 4 began their 'Italia Topic' - they found out about the history of Pizza, then designed and made their pizza boxes ready to be pizza chefs next week.  Year 5/6 have begun work on high quality acrylic paintings linked to the topic of rivers. This is based on a stimulus of both 'The Wind in the Willows', by Kenneth Grahame, and a local visiting artist, Lizzie McKellar. You can see examples of her work at:

As you will be aware, we had a recent visit from OFSTED. This was part of a series of visits by OFSTED to a variety of schools nationally. The information will be used to gain a national picture of the affect the pandemic is having on schools. We are pleased to now be able to share with you the published letter. The letter does not contain any judgements but summarises briefly the discussions the inspectors had with our school leadership team. This is to provide parents and carers with information about what our school is doing to help children back into full-time education. The letter is published on the OFSTED website. You can also find it at:   Ofsted visit to Stanmore Primary School - October 2020

Thank you for the response to my recent letter about the increased measures around school to tackle the spread of the Coronavirus. Once again we are seeing the whole school community come together and I am really grateful for the positive 'can do' attitude of all of our staff, parents and carers. We are continuing to review the risks and will respond with necessary control measures to enable us to keep the school open. I have had some questions about what happens when members of the community are told to self-isolate and so I have outlined the latest guidance below.   

Yours sincerely, 


Self-isolation Guidance  

Do the people I live with also need to self-isolate at home with me for 14 days? 

If you are have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, but you do not have symptoms, other people living with you do not need to self-isolate and should follow the general guidance. 

If you do develop symptoms of COVID-19, you should arrange to have a test to see if you have COVID-19 - visit NHS.UK to arrange, or contact NHS 119 via telephone if you do not have internet access. If you live with other people, they will need to begin self-isolation at home while you wait for your test result. Follow the Stay at Home: Guidance for households with possible or confirmed COVID-19. 

Self-isolating at home for the 14-day period will help protect your family, friends and the NHS. Self-isolating at home in this way can also protect the most vulnerable in society, by reducing the chance of a second wave of COVID-19 in the wider community. 

What should I do if I live with someone who develops COVID-19 symptoms?

If someone you live with develops symptoms, they will need to self-isolate at home along with all the other people who live with them; this will include you. 

They will need to arrange to have a test to see if they have COVID-19 - visit NHS.UK to arrange or contact NHS 119 via telephone if you do not have internet access. 

They and the people who live with them should follow Stay at Home: Guidance for households with possible or confirmed COVID-19.