Hazel class have been exploring the world through poetry and geography


Hazel class have enjoyed poetry week this week. Some of the children have been writing their own poems, enjoying some classic poetry about change and listening to some of Mr Reads favourite poems, including "Chocolate Cake" by Michael Rosen.

There have been lots of smiles but also considerate reflections on the messages that the poems have tried to get across to the reader. We have also begun work on our treasure islands with the children enjoying working with mod rock, some for the first time. It has been great to hear the children's imaginations working with them saying how this part contains the secret mine shaft and this part is the misty mountain. We are looking forward to painting them and seeing them come to life.

Today we carried on with our geography, making a map of the world on the carpet. We then used our knowledge of the continents and oceans and where they are positioned to give clues for someone to guess the name of an outline of a continent. The children were using terms such as equator, hemisphere, borders and the compass directions as clues.


Test them at home, or maybe even get them to test you!