A regal visit to Year 1 & 2


We have had a very regal visitor to KS1 this week; on Wednesday, we were visited by none other than Queen Elizabeth II (artistic licence!), who came to talk to use about her role as the head of the Royal family and the Commonwealth. She told the children a little about her life, and challenged them to write about what they would do in her position. This forms the foundations for our work this half term of ‘What would you do if you were royal for the day?’ The children have been given wax sealed parchment to write their ideas down, ready to share at the end of the topic. 

In maths, as have been exploring multiplication and division, which has lead us neatly into fractions work. We have been learning how to recognise and calculate halves, quarters and thirds of shapes, objects and amounts. The children have very much enjoyed being introduced to Times Table Rock Stars, where they can practise their 2, 5 and 10 times tables (2 and 10 for Year 1). We will be moving on to comparing and describing measure next week, including height and length, as well as comparing time (earlier, later, before, after, during, morning, afternoon and evening). 

We continue with our RWI phonics, reading and writing daily. It is pleasing to see so many children making progress; we love hearing how much they (and you) are enjoying the ‘Book Bag Books, which are closely matched to the sounds that the children are currently working on, thereby developing, accuracy, fluency and confidence in reading. The children also have an additional guided reading lesson daily, introducing end exploring a high quality and exciting text.

In science, we have started a new unit on ‘Animals including humans’ and will be looking forward to some exciting science leading up to Christmas. 

In music, we continue to learn new chords on the ukulele, and have been working hard to learn new music vocabulary to use when describing music that we head (pitch, tempo and dynamics). 

As always, please let us know if you have any questions or comments. We look forward to discussing your child’s progress with at our parents’ evenings on Tuesday 26th and Thursday 28th November.