Stanmore Post - 11 June 2021

Dear Parents/ Carers, 

The children have had an exciting start to the last half of the summer term. This week they celebrated Empathy day through a variety of exciting activities.The children discovered that empathy can be learnt and that reading is a key tool to building their emotional literacy. By identifying with book characters, they found out about how to see the world from other points of view. The children wore their empathy glasses to find shoes hidden in the school grounds with clues to characters they have encountered in the books they have read this year. They also drew kindness monsters and made empathy resolutions. There is a parent pack for family activities and you can find out more at:

This week is Enterprise Week. Children in Year 5/6 have been aiming to ‘grow a pound.’ Year 5 and 6 children designed, produced, marketed and sold a range of items. These included fidget spinners, masks, bracelets, stress relief toys and refreshments. The children had to consider the quality of their products and their profit margins. The younger children exchanged money for tokens and had the fun of choosing something to buy. The children raised approximately £100 will go towards a charity that they will vote for. We intend to hold this Enterprise event annually to promote innovation through business enterprise. The children learned from the experience and the successes and improvements will shape next year’s plans. See more of the events here.

There are several other events to look out for. You will have had a text notification about Parents Evening next week. This is a blended offer of face to face on Tuesday 15th June from 3:30 – 7pm and virtual via Google Meets on Thursday 17th June from 3.30 – 6pm. The Parents Evening is an opportunity to share successes and challenges that your child has experienced this year. The teacher will be able to give an indication of any significant learning that your child has missed or is not yet secure in due to the period of restrictions to school attendance. Mrs Taylor and Mrs Fenton are also available for an appointment to answer any questions on how the school is addressing this learning loss and any specific additional support that parents could provide. Please sign up through Scopay. You will receive your child’s report later this term. 

Next week we have The Young Shakespeare Company in school to perform ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ to children in Year 4/5/6. This promises to be a memorable event and one that we intend to repeat on an annual basis. 

Mrs Jones will be writing to you about the very exciting ‘Reading Festival’ planned for Monday 28th June. This is a lively outdoor reading experience based on the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Similar to outdoor learning day, the children will be off timetable exploring the events on the various ‘stages.’ Children can dress up on the day and the letter will give more detail about what they can wear that will give the day a fun festival feel. 

The Friends of the School have been busy planning a Covid safe Hawaiian Disco which all of the children can look forward to. This year, they are offering a special Year 6 only leavers Disco in addition to the main discos, which I hope will be a great opportunity for the Year 6 children to celebrate their time together. Later this term we are planning a Year 6 production, a Leavers’ Service and Sports Day. At the moment, these events are being planned within the current Government guidelines which limits the way in which we can involve parents. However, we can adapt as rules allow and we will find ways to share some events virtually if necessary.  

As they grow up through the school, we want all of our children to experience similar enrichment experiences. This shapes their sense of belonging, gives them events to look forward to in the year and a shared history of their time at Stanmore Primary School.  

As we begin to plan transition for September I am able to share the class structure for 2021/22 

  • YR Catkins: Miss Day

  • Y1/2 Maple: Miss Williamson

  • Y1/2 Rowan: Mr Read

  • Y3/4 Birch: Mrs Jones

  • Y3/4 Sycamore: Miss Evers

  • Y3/4 Willow: Mrs Haumann and Miss Hurley

  • Y5/6 Aspen: Mrs Atkins and Miss Kelly

  • Y5/6 Oak: Mrs Horkan

  • Y5/6 Elm: Mrs Kempson

This means that we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Laver and Miss Joyce. Mrs Laver started at Stanmore with me and has made a significant contribution to the school improvement journey. She is a very well-liked and respected colleague and we will miss her but wish her well with her future plans. Miss Joyce has been covering Miss Hurley’s maternity leave and has taught not only her own class but several combinations of bubbles during lockdown. The staff and children have really enjoyed working with her. She is moving to a new school in September and we wish her well. You will notice that Miss Kelly joins Aspen Class as a class teacher and we are delighted that she has been able to take the next step in her teaching career at Stanmore Primary School. 

Best wishes

Sharon Taylor