
Helping your child learn through homework.

We believe homework should enhance children’s learning by helping to:

  • Build confidence in their learning by practising and consolidating the skills they have learnt in class

  • Encourage resilience and persistence in their approach to learning

  • Develop skills of organisation

  • Enable co-operation and bridge the gap between home and school to provide parents and carers with direct involvement in their learning

All homework across the school will be handed out on a Friday, with the due date being the following Thursday. This means your child will have from Friday until Thursday to complete their homework. All homework will be marked on Thursday and any misconceptions will be addressed in class by the class teacher.

All children will have a Reading Diary. Your child’s homework will set and accessed via Google Classroom. Paper copies of a worksheet can be provided by arrangement with the class teacher.

From time to time, optional tasks based on the topic learning will be sent home. This can be a useful opportunity to engage in your child’s learning, but is not compulsory.

The home learning expectations are as follows:


  • Reading: Please read with your child every day and make a record in their Reading Diary. Reading Diaries will be checked by teaching staff on a weekly basis.

  • Spelling: Later in the academic year, spellings will also be set. Please practise these with your child.

KS1 Year 1-2

  • Reading: Please read with your child every day and make a record in their Reading Diary. Reading Diaries will be checked by teaching staff on a weekly basis.

  • Spelling: Please practise spellings with your children throughout the week.

  • Maths and English: Will be alternating Maths and English each week. The home learning will be a set task, aimed to take your child around 20 minutes a week.

  • Times tables: Please practise times tables with your children throughout the week.

    • Year 2 should practise 2, 5 and 10 times tables

KS2 Year 3-4

  • Reading: Please read with your child every day and make a record in their Reading Diary. Reading Diaries will be checked by teaching staff on a weekly basis.

  • Spelling: These are set on Edshed. Please practise spellings with your children throughout the week.

  • Times tables: Please practise times tables with your children throughout the week.

    • Year 3 should practise 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 times tables

    • Year 4 should practise 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 times tables

  • Maths and English: Will be alternating Maths and English each week. The home learning will be a set task, aimed to take your child around 20 minutes a week.


YEARS 5 - 6

  • Reading: Your child should read every day and make a record in their Reading Diary. Reading Diaries will be checked by teaching staff on a weekly basis.

  • Times tables: Your child should practise 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 times tables.

  • Maths: Will be set each week and should take about 20 minutes.

  • English: Will be set each week and should take about 20 minutes.

Homework club

The school has a Tuesday before school club to help children complete their homework. Please sign up on scopay.