Stanmore Post - 5 March 2021

Dear Parents, 

World Book Day provided us with the perfect end to our Blended Learning Approach. Children at home and at school have had positive shared experiences over the past couple of days. Helen Griffiths, author of the book ‘Treasure beyond Measure’ led an inspiring assembly from her home in New Zealand, on the themes within her book. Children enjoyed creating their own collective nouns for different groups of animals, spotting the globe on every page. This has resulted in excellent writing, not to mention a collection of creative veget-a-pals. I was very impressed with the children’s awareness of conservation and their suggestions for ways in which humans can improve their impact on the planet.   

Children will receive a £1 book token on Monday.  

Thank you for your ongoing support through the lockdown this term. The new skills learned by children and parents have been quite remarkable. If your child has been learning at home, I am sure you are pleased to see them return to school but there may also be some mixed feelings. This period of time has brought families together in a way that is unique and there will be many good lasting memories. Please reassure your child that Monday is a new beginning for everyone. We are looking forward to seeing children who have been learning at home and children who have been in school ‘bubbles’ return to their usual classes. Children are remarkably resilient and capable of surprising us. It is likely that with the right support and enjoyable challenge in their school day, they will quickly adapt. If you are struggling in any way, we are here to help as much as possible. Please email the school to contact Mrs Fenton, our Inclusion Leader, Mrs Atkins, our Assistant Headteacher or Mrs Taylor Headteacher 

We will be continuing to follow our Covid risk assessment to keep the school community as safe as possible.  I am confident that the systems of control that we have in place are as effective so far as it is reasonably practical, if we all stick to them. We have already demonstrated how effective we are as a whole school community if we work together in the best interests of everyone. For that reason I need to ask you, as Parents and Carers to continue to support the following measures.  

· No-one with symptoms of Coronavirus or self-isolating should be on the school site 

· Everyone on the school site must adhere to the Government hygiene regulations to reduce the spread of Coronavirus 

· Everyone on the school site must practise social distancing, being careful of pinch points like the entrance to the school and the gates.   

· All visitors to the site must adhere to the one-way system without fail. If you have any accessibility or mobility issues we can arrange to collect your child from you at the entrance to the school and walk them to the classroom. Please arrange this with the office. 

· All adults and visitors to the site should wear a face covering 

· No child should arrive on site before 8:30am unless they are attending breakfast club. Doors open at 8:40am Gates in front of the office close at 8:55am. 

· Parents and Carers should arrive no more than 10 minutes before pick up and leave promptly. Children without siblings in Catkins Maple and Rowan can continue to be collected at 3pm.  

· Please leave all toys at home. Children only need their book bag with a water bottle and lunch box if necessary 

· Children will remain in their class bubbles, including at break and lunchtimes 

· Children may continue to wear PE kits to school on PE days. Year R children in Catkins do not need to change for their PE lessons: 

Monday       Maple and Rowan including all Year 1  

Tuesday      Oak 

Wednesday Birch and Sycamore Maple and Rowan including all Year 1 

Thursday     Elm 

Friday          Willow 

If your child is unwell and unable to attend, please contact the school with the reason for absence. If, for any reason, your child is showing signs of anxiety about attending school, we can help, please contact the school office. Quickly re-establishing a routine will be a priority in supporting their wellbeing.

Best Wishes

Sharon Taylor