Stanmore Post - 19 March 2021

Dear Parents, 

There has been a lively atmosphere throughout school today as all our ‘rock stars’ enjoyed our Comic Relief event 2021. Thank you for supporting this event. The children looked amazing and so far we have raised £213.72 The day brought a smile to everyone’s face from the start of the day at morning drop off. It reminded us of how important these events are in the school calendar and how much children and adults need to have something different to look forward to. After Easter, we have many more exciting events planned as, gradually, we work towards a more familiar school term.  

The children all have a log in to Times Tables Rockstars online. Please ask your class teacher if your child has forgotten theirs. The format of the online program successfully boosts times table recall speed. Knowing the multiplication and division structures help children to become competent mathematicians. It is a key component of mathematical fluency.  Younger children can benefit from practical experiences of increasing quantities and equal sharing.  Find out more about how we teach maths.

Our curriculum work this week has included a virtual tour of Winchester in KS1, with children continuing to strengthen their technology skills using Google Earth to explore their locality. In KS2 children have been learning more about the stone age using our school grounds to collect materials to create cave paintings inspired by the books ‘Stig of the Dump’ and ‘How to train a Woolly Mammoth.’ Children in Oak and Elm finished their literacy unit on ‘The Wonder Garden,’ with a fantastic double page feature on their own Island designs. 

Thank you to parents who joined us for online Parents Evening this week. We are always available if you want to have a conversation about your child. Our open door may be virtual or socially distanced at the moment, but it is still open. At the moment there are children who are understandably still struggling to settle either at home or at school after such a disrupted period of time. If school and home are working together to re-introduce high expectations and clear boundaries, there is likely to be a better result. We are reminding children about our values: Belonging, excellence, support and trust. We are continuing to strengthen our keys for success: resilience, persistence, organisation, confidence, co-operation and respect. At the moment, we are focusing on respect, which includes the way in which we treat each other and school property. This includes special areas like the Willow Domes and the new resources that the Friends of the School have bought for us. Thank you for your ongoing support with this. 

Best Wishes

Sharon Taylor