Stanmore Post - 12 February 2021

Dear Parents,

Every half term is different to the previous one at the moment. We have almost got used to expecting the unexpected. Not being able to plan ahead with certainty is challenging as we all know. As a school community we have stayed focused on our core values of Belonging, Excellence, Support and Trust. There is no doubt that this has helped us to stay on track, continuing to strengthen our curriculum and our school community. Thank you for all of the support you have shown for this since January.  

Despite the challenges of Covid this term, we have been able to continue with our school improvement journey. As a result, we are seeing progress in the way children are working in maths. Our focus has been to encourage children to think flexibly about number. This helps them to make sense of what they are learning, rather than relying on reproducing learnt procedures. To do this, children need to have a model to work with. From working practically with a model, children then begin to visualise the model and it becomes a tool for thinking with. What we want is for children to have this model to imagine whenever they are given different mathematical problems. If you have been supporting children at home, you may have enjoyed seeing them begin to make more and more connections. At Stanmore it is important to us that we train the children mathematically, building on the same models throughout the school. This will help children become more secure, competent mathematicians in our school and beyond. Many parents will have now experienced this first hand through the remote learning but further information can be found at:

This week children engaged with safer internet day. The focus was ‘An Internet we can Trust – exploring reliability in the online world.’ The reliance on remote working for children and adults has brought this topic sharply into focus. If you would like to find out more about how you can support your child at home visit:

When we come back after half term, the children will be getting involved in World Book Day. If you are thinking about a half term activity, don’t forget to have a look at the 30 books your child should read before they leave Stanmore. On Friday 5th March, children can wear their pyjamas to school (and stay in them all day at home of course!) There will be fun activities on line and at school that children will find out more about after half term. 

Well done for all of the hard work and extra effort that has gone into this half term. Enjoy a well-deserved break. I hope that the sun shines and that at some point next half term we will be back in school. 

Best Wishes

Sharon Taylor