Year 1 - Exploring volume with water


Another lovely week weather-wise and Year 1 have been working extremely hard.

We have been very excited about the summer fayre; it was lovely to see so many of the children participating in the fun and games on the field after school today.

In maths, we have been using our knowledge of fractions to learn about capacity, and investigating how many half or quarter litres are in a litre, 2 litres etc. We were fortunate to be able to use our outside area during the beautiful summer weather to explore the capacity resources and water.

Following last week’s visit from Witch Sims, the children wrote a ‘thank you’ letter to her for coming to see us. We have also revisited using ‘ed’ to show the regular past tense and worked on our editing skills. Next week, we will be planning our letter that we will be writing to a family friend or relative, to showcase the incredible grammar, vocabulary and punctuation that we have learned this year.

In Geography, we reminded ourselves about the different maps and why we use them. We went outside and made a 3D map of the route the Jolly Postman took, then acted out the story. Thank you to Nora for being an excellent narrator! We have started to map out our classroom and create a key for some of the features. 

The children have been learning about the importance of following instructions in our ICT lesson, which is an introduction to algorithms. I was particularly impressed with the speed that most children are able to log in with – this is a huge improvement and allows us to get through more learning within the lesson. Many thanks to everyone who has supported their child in learning to type in their password!

We continue with our phonics and reading daily. We are concentrating on the alternative spelling of different phonemes in phonics, as well as learning to read and spell tricky words. 

Stanmore’s Got Talent

At the end of each academic year, the children are invited to audition for Stanmore’s Got Talent, to be held in the school hall.

Each class will be holding auditions, with the children voting which act they would like to send forward (1 act per class). If your child (or a group of friends) would like to audition, that would be great! We ask that we have no fighting or wrestling acts, and acts must be suitable to be performed safely on the school stage.

Breaking News!

Juniper Class have won the £100.00 prize for selling the most raffle tickets! Many thanks to everyone who has supported this. The money will be spent on the class party which will be on Monday 22nd July in the afternoon. A letter about the arrangements for the end of term and class parties will be issued shortly. 


Dates for your diary

Thursday 11th July – Meet your child’s new teacher straight after school. The teacher will be in their current classroom.

Friday 12th and Monday 15th July – INSET days 

Tuesday 16th July – Ukulele concert in the hall. Exact times to be confirmed, but the provisional times are doors open 2.15pm, Y1 concert from 2.20pm – 2.40pm, Y2 concert from 2.40 – 3.00pm.

Thursday 18th July – Stanmore’s Got Talent class auditions (Y1)

Friday 19th July – stamped addressed envelopes to a family friend or relative to be handed in today

Friday 19th July – Trays cleared and PE kits sent home (please bring in a large, named carrier bag!).

Monday 22nd July – Home learning due in (map of your route to school)

Monday 22nd July – Stanmore’s Got Talent (morning), class parties (afternoon)