Practising Politeness in Ready to Learn

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This week’s target in R2L has been to demonstrate politeness to all people – children and adults!

The team were able to practise these skills in a variety of ways throughout the week starting with a visit from Silas Brown, child and youth worker at Level 10 church, on Tuesday.

The team warmly welcomed Silas and particularly demonstrated the RESPECT key to success as they enjoyed some playtime activities with him in the rain. In spite of the bad weather, the team continued to show politeness towards Silas and each other as well as showing excellent team skills.

The team were challenged to put their polite skills into action on Tuesday when they held a tea party and invited Mrs Taylor, Mrs Fenton and Mandy Dodds (our wonderful kitchen supervisor). Of course, the team had to work co-operatively to make jam tarts, mince pies and fruit kebabs for the party as well as serve their guests. The tea party was a huge success and the team were noticed for displaying polite manners to all guests and each other.

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The week ended with the team becoming “Politeness Detectives” whereby they visited different classrooms throughout the school to discover how polite the school community were to each other. The team decided that Stanmore School is a fantastic school to be part of!

Special thanks must go to Mandy Dodds for making extra time to bake the jam tarts and mince pies. You are certainly now part of Team R2L!


By Mrs Mason, Miss Shuff, Mrs Petts, Mrs Griffiths and Team R2L