Memories of Stanmore - Helen Dade

I attended Stanmore School between 1984 and 1991 following on from my older brother and sister. Those were some of the best years of my childhood and I have some fond memories. I now live in Wales but would have happily sent my daughter to the school had I have stayed in Winchester. She went to my partner's old school which was over 100 years old and was unfortunately closed due to the council preferring newer schools. I am so pleased that Stanmore hasn't seen the same fate.

My Nan lived opposite Stanmore school in Drummond close and of course Mrs Cole saw me across the road safely each day. The teachers I remember are Mrs Lewis, Mrs Clarke, Mrs Baxter, Mrs Fox, Miss Charnley, Mr Smith, Miss Hurley and Miss Swift. I remember Mr Gunner reading us stories in assembly from his big book and I used to love playing in the maze in the infant playground. It is fabulous to see memories from the past on your history pages and I was so excited to see Mrs Clarke's old photos where I recognised alot of familiar faces!