Bedtime Stories for Key Stage 1

Well - what an amazing week Year 1 and 2 have had!

The children are loving their new topic on pirates, titled ‘Does ‘X’ mark the spot?’. They are enthusiastically learning about the continents and oceans of the world, as well as locating the United Kingdom on maps, globes and satellite images, and discussing where we are located in relation to other countries, continents and oceans. 

In maths, we have just finished a unit on addition and subtraction, including practising the rapid and accurate recall of number bonds to 10 and 20. The children have proved their answers in different ways, such as a bar model, part-part-whole and number line. Many children are also using the inverse to check that an answer is correct.

In art, we have planned the 3D Treasure Island maps that we will be making and will be exploring the different materials and fixing that we can use to create the features. The children will build on previously taught skills of colour mixing and brush-work to decorate their work. 

Developing prediction skills, observation of an experiment and the recording of data was the order of the day in science this week, which was set in the context of floating and sinking. 

In RE, the children are learning about Shabbat, and in PSHE, about the value of money, saving, budgeting and keeping of finances. 

To link in with our topic, the children have loved their Guided reading, which has been Pirate themed, including the composition of rhyming sea shanties and translating English into Pirate language.

Many thanks to everyone who came along to the KS1 Bedtime Stories evening on Wednesday; it was a great success and another evening will be planned in for the next half term (date to be advised). 


We continue to teach phonics, reading and writing through RWI daily. You will see photocopied sheets of speed sounds, green and red words in your child’s book bag each week- these are the words that are in their RWI teaching book- please support your child at home by practising reading and understanding these words. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

The Year 1 and 2 Team 


Stanmore Post - 17 January 2020


Toilet Roll Timeline!