Author Anne Wan reads her book to Year 1 and 2

As another week draws to a close, we are happily reflecting on a superb week of learning! On Wednesday, we were fortunate to enjoy a visit from Anne Wan, a local author, who has written a children’s book, ‘Manners for the Queen’. This fits beautifully into our current topic; the children loved hearing Anne (with help from her puppet, Isobel), about the inspiration for her book, hearing the story and even seeing the letter that Anne received from the Queen!


In maths, we have been learning about addition and subtraction, and using different methods to record and show understanding, such as a bar model, part-part-whole and a number line. We will be building on this learning next week as we move into empty box problems and worded addition and subtraction questions. 

We continue with RWI daily; some of the children have moved groups; the new groups will start on Wednesday next week. Well done to all of the children (and parents/carers) for trying so hard in phonics and reading lessons, and for those who continue to practice at home. This makes such a huge difference to the children’s accuracy and fluency, as well as developing their love of reading. 

In science, we have been thinking about how humans grow from babies into the elderly, and what needs and behaviours they may show during these stages of life. 

In history, we have learnt about the life of our Queen, Queen Elizabeth II, and compared her life and reign to that of Queen Victoria. This topic has inspired many of the children to discover interesting facts about both of these incredible monarchs – we love hearing such information in school!

We have been writing simple codes in ICT and continuing with our PE outside, despite the chilly temperatures this week. Many thanks for making sure that the children have the correct clothing for the weather. 

We are looking forward to the final two weeks of the term, which will include watching the Year R nativity, Christchurch Christmas service, the carols in the courtyard and not forgetting Christmas Jumper Day (13 December) and our class parties on 20th December. 

Have a festive weekend!

Year 1 and 2 team  


Stanmore Post - 6 December 2019


Sycamore - building Viking houses